Mahin, a 70-year-old single woman, decides to revive her love life. A chance meeting turns into an unforgettable evening. Mahin: Are you afraid of dying? Faramarz: No, I’m afraid of dying alone. Shabe Golestan Tanha Singer: Dariush Rafiee Composer: Majid Vafadar Lyrics: Mahmood Sanaee. “Little” (Lili Farhadpour) is a lonely, widowed, retired nurse who has been living alone for many years when she overhears a conversation at a government cafe for retirees, where she notices a taxi driver, “Faramarz” (Esmaeel Mehrabi), who is also single. She quickly decides to track him down and then finds herself in his taxi. It’s not like she’s a cougar and he’s a womanizer – it’s just two old people who have an idea for something a little “extra”. at the end of a rain-soaked day. The biggest bottle of wine you’ve ever seen has been duly produced and, well, you can guess what’s on the cards. Except? Well, you can also guess that things won’t go according to plan either – and along the way we get a few subtle hints that help to manage our expectations as this really fun, mischievous story unfolds. Farhadpour is genuinely engaging as she charms her new lover, and there’s a wonderful, soft chemistry between them as much of the plot takes place in her home as they try to avoid engaging the dreaded morality police who might come and punish them – even in their old age – for being alone in their shared home! Indeed, what also helps this work is the delicate way in which she makes some really strong points. As for age, the assumptions about age – true, but one also has to look at the broader society that still treats women as less free citizens thanks to their testicular counterparts. Above all, I thought it was really funny and conveyed a message of confidence, shyness, optimism and hope tempered with a touch of dark humor – especially towards the end. I’m not entirely sure she would have been able to bake the cake in the time frame given, but it looked delicious!